The Yellow Rose is in the flowers's language, the one that is used to indicate the Jealousy, but what is Jealousy? The Jealousy is a feeling that is in every person and it is linked to the ancestral fear of losing someone or something.
The context of use of the term Jealousy in this test is the Jealousy in a love relation who is also the area where it is mainly used.
In the area of feelings, in fact, jealousy can manifest itself in all its aspects and in all its forms. Jealousy is Positive, when is simply a manifestation of the attachment to our partners and the consequent fear of losing him without obsessive behaviors, and is Negative Jealousy when it brings the person who suffers, obsessive behaviors and sometimes violent ones towards the 'object of desire' but in these cases it is a very psychological disorder.
Are you ready to discover your level of Jealousy with this funny test?